Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letter of Concern.

January 19, 2010

558 Student Ave.
Penticton, British Columbia
Canada, V2A 1K0

Mr. Kleats
Basketball Coach
Central High School, 123 Main Street
Sportstown, British Columbia
Canada, V2A 1W3

Dear Mr Kleats:

My name is Barbi Montgomery and I am a parent of a child in several of your athletic activities. First off, I do appreciate the extra time and effort you put into working with these kids. However, I have a few concerns that i would like to respectively bring to your attention. I realize you are very busy, though i would appreciate it if you took the time to read over my letter.

After attending many of your sports practices, I would like to point out that much of the team seems to be lacking the opportunity of playing time and seem quite uninterested in many of the games and practices. I recognize your extra time you put into the team, and it must be exhausting. Several of the girls could perhaps be slowing the practices because of the lack on drive that they have on the team. The team could benefit from the overall involvement of all the players, not just physically but team bonding as well. Also, I think that the kids would be better of supervised during the entire practice instead of fifteen minutes in. They are too susceptible to get in trouble and need the experienced attendance of their coach.

I have personally noticed the foul language that my daughter and her friends on the team have been using lately, not just at practice, but at home as well and it is very disrespectful. I know that it is very difficult for you to constantly keep an eye on every single girl and their conversations. Though i would greatly appreciate it if you made and effort to realize when there is offensive of negative language being used and if you would be able to graciously put an end to it. I also have noticed that the girls can be somewhat unruly and difficult to handle. To compensate for this, maybe the practices could be more organized and structural. This might help, and could make the entire practices more beneficial. Finally my last concern is the girls increasing amounts of aggressive behaviour. I feel this is due to the extensive emphasis on winning and not allowing themselves to lose. As a team they seem to work themselves up into a state of mind, only being able to win. I think it would be admirable of you to advise the team that that's not all its about.

I acknowledge you taking the time to read and consider my letter. I hope you agree with my opinions and see that I am just an observant parent with some minor concerns. I admire the time you put into coaching these girls, I know personally that it has been very beneficial for several of them. I would appreciate it for you to follow up with me on some feedback from the team. Thank you for your understanding.


Barbi Montgomery.

Monday, January 4, 2010

An increase in profanity is indicative of a decline in society's morals.

Profanity is defined as: vulgar or irreverent speech or action. This is clearly stating the negative aspects and shows how profanity is frowned upon in today's society. The English language is being contaminated by such words and phrases that have portrayed negative images and rude gestures. Society's morals have reduced to such a low level due to the excessive amounts of profanity used so carelessly in everyday speech. The youth in current civilization is becoming more irresponsible and careless and many of these traits are due to the lower standard of speech and amount of foul language. Profanity shows a definite decline in today's morals and societal standards.

Although profanity has many negative effects on today's society and the personal morals, there are many other aspects that could be affecting this rather than just the overall speech. Standards for the youth are too relaxed and the level of discipline is hardly there at all. Putting too much slack on the responsibility of teenagers and allowing bad actions and events to occur is a strong aspect in affecting morals. As well as the media portraying negative images and stereotyping society to be rude and careless. This is putting images in people minds that it is acceptable to live this way. Societies morals are affected by several aspects of life, may or may not having to do with the excessive amounts of profanity.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Certain Experiences Mark the Beginning of Maturity. (Narrative)

Big events such as a death or a divorce in the family are definite marks of maturity. However, the the smaller encounters can be just as effective. About 13 years old, nothing too exciting, normal life, happy family, content. Until a man showed up and put a twist on things. He was a man that had led an unfortunate life and was looking for a phone. He knocked on our door. Lucky him. Lucky us.

The phone call was short, shifty, as if he wasn't talking to anyone at all but was seeking the few moments in a warm environment. Upon his exit, we invited him to stay for a meal. He cautiously though gracefully accepted. This is where it started, we got to know him. His name was John, he was about 36, although he hadn't kept exact track, no reason to. He had many tragic and negative experiences which led him to where he was then, stuck, trying to get back in line. John was nervous although he was warming up to us. He felt he had overstayed his welcome, which we quickly put an end to that thought and suggested he stay the night in the garage, because it was warmer than outside and we knew he wouldn't be comfortable in the house. John finally agreed.

About 6 months later John was practically part of the family. It wasn't as if he was some strange wondering man that we had been forced to take in. John was different he seemed to have a comfort about him. He fit right in. By this point John had a job and was saving up to buy a house and get back into the fast paced society. Eventually he was doing quite well for himself, and we all felt good about what we had done to help out John when he had no where to go. John had a lot of wisdom and experiences to share, he had a large personal impact on our lives.

It was foggy, about 2 years after John came and found us that cold winter day. John was ill, he had been infected by a virus at some point when he was homeless and it was slowly deteriorating his immune system. John wasn't going to make it. We loved him, as if he had grown up in the family. Why couldn't he have come just a few months sooner and we could have helped him. He was so young. He had come so far from where he started. He knew it was thanks to us, though no one needed to ever mention it. He felt great gratitude to us and wanted us to know. We stayed with John in his last moments, though he didn't want us to, he always had to make a situation a happy one, or end it with a laugh. This one wasn't funny though we all knew he wanted us to be happy, and he was content with his life. We laughed all night long and finally said goodbye to John and went home. We went home knowing it was probably the last time we would see John.

The next day we got a phone call saying that John had died, though he just simply fell asleep smiling and didn't wake up. Though saddened we were okay, John was lucky and so were we. We took so much away from the friendship. Two days after John had died we got called in to the lawyer to read off his will, though we weren't expecting there to be much in it. The will stated: " I leave all of my monetary assets to my family." We were told that was us. The gesture was very thoughtful and we were extremely grateful, though we knew of his finances. The lawyer gave us an envelope with the financial statements. We opened the envelope, the number was six digits. And came with a letter telling us that he had all of this money saved and chose to live the way he did. When he realized our kindness, maturity and graciousness he knew exactly what he was meant to do with this. John loved us, and we loved him.