Innovative, perceptive and unhinged. A perfect way to describe myself. Not only have I hiked Mount Everest and hang glided from the top but i have lived the lifestyles of many. I have lived in the middle east and sold goods in a shop that i had built from sticks. I fished in Antarctica without a fishing pole, and lived in an igloo made from fire. I lived in Africa, where on a daily basis I would wrestle lions just to prove how smart I was. I would travel Iceland just to stay in an ice hotel, not because i had to but because I win all staring contests.
I am strong like a bull, witty like a mouse, and versatile like a dice. I wash darks and lights in the same load because they come out perfectly. I play all sports with my left hand because if I used my right no one would have a chance. I hypnotize hypnotists before they even get close to me. I can speak every language and have made up twelve, six of which are universal, all in Brazil. All lights turn on as i walk past and turn off when I leave just to save energy, though only when the suns out.
A scholar in astronomy, a genius in architecture and a master at sneezing. I hold all the national titles in Chili for blinking. I have all the greatest qualities a human could posses i am the equivalent of a baseball quarterback.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mysterious Man.

Late at night. Walking in a forbidden place. Take a right into the park, using it as a shortcut. Thinking it was pretty safe because of how open and lit it was. However, blocking the gate at the other side, was a strange silhouette. Dark, yet still. It was a man, he just gazed, as if he had been recovering from a tragedy. He wore a hat tilted off the side of his head, dark like the night. Below, lay his bushy eyebrows, in such a way that caterpillars would cocoon before turning into a butterfly. His eyes were wide like the glowing moon, though had a diminutive look, as a weathered tree getting ready for winter. Broad between his eyes, his nose was a pear, freshly fallen from the tree though a little damaged and bruised from the hail storm the night before. The most intimidating feature of this mysterious man was the bitter scowl that lined the bottom half of his face, the way a rainbow would seem with no colour and no enchantment. A cigarette hanging from the left corner of his lip, stained his teeth and filling his lungs with disease. His mannerisms resembled this as well; cold and inhuman. Managing to strike a quick pivot and retreat from the situation with out struggle, never knowing what would have become of it. The long way home sounds good tonight.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"Wild West'' cliche.
Hotter then a two dollar pistol on the 4th of July. The two cowboys, both tough as nails. Stagger out onto the dusty tobacco road. Willing to fight till the end. Drawing their guns, like pulling chickens teeth. Pacing backwards like walking on egg shells. Both rapidly turn around, faster than a speeding bullet, and DRAW. Both guns fly out of their pockets. However no shots are fired. Both cowboys, more confused than a woodpecker in a concrete forest, though looking like a dog in a meat house, stopped dead in their tracks. Both of the cowboys running like they stole something, both in search for amunition. They both looked at eachother as if to say "whatever floats your boat", and that was the end of that. Be-all and end-all boys.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to know all the secrets? To be somewhere forbidden , without anyone knowing. To have no limits, and no boundaries. Having the power of invisibility would allow all these odds. However, besides owning this superpower and having its advantages, it possesses many other beneficial traits. To be invisible is one thing, although looking deeper, with this power you also endure faultless knowledge. Being able to be everywhere and know all of the confidential information that wouldn't have been told if an exterior presence was know of. To sit in on conferences and sessions not available to the public. Having the power of invisibility would allow such knowledge to society, it could evidently alter the outcome of many major events. Secrets asked for many years, would be secrets no longer. The hidden answers of area 51 in the U.S. would be revealed. Although invisibility would act as a profitable superpower. It also deems so much more.
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