Late at night. Walking in a forbidden place. Take a right into the park, using it as a shortcut. Thinking it was pretty safe because of how open and lit it was. However, blocking the gate at the other side, was a strange silhouette. Dark, yet still. It was a man, he just gazed, as if he had been recovering from a tragedy. He wore a hat tilted off the side of his head, dark like the night. Below, lay his bushy eyebrows, in such a way that caterpillars would cocoon before turning into a butterfly. His eyes were wide like the glowing moon, though had a diminutive look, as a weathered tree getting ready for winter. Broad between his eyes, his nose was a pear, freshly fallen from the tree though a little damaged and bruised from the hail storm the night before. The most intimidating feature of this mysterious man was the bitter scowl that lined the bottom half of his face, the way a rainbow would seem with no colour and no enchantment. A cigarette hanging from the left corner of his lip, stained his teeth and filling his lungs with disease. His mannerisms resembled this as well; cold and inhuman. Managing to strike a quick pivot and retreat from the situation with out struggle, never knowing what would have become of it. The long way home sounds good tonight.
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